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Monday, July 25, 2011

Introduction Of Java

Introduction Of Java

 If you have purchased this book, you are probably planning to program with Java. There are many reasons for using Java as your programming language. You might want to learn an object-oriented programming language, and maybe you've heard that Java is simple to use. You might have come across some interesting applets while browsing the Internet (if you're using a Java-capable browser), and perhaps you want to learn to write applets of your own and add them to your Internet or intranet HTML documents. You might want to learn how to add Internet functionality to your C applications or how to use Java to write full-fledged applications that are portable. This book helps you accomplish any and all of these goals.
This overview introduces the many features of Java and explains why they are important to you, the Java programmer. It is worthwhile for you to understand the richness and usefulness of Java before getting into the specifics of the Java environment and language.
Java is an interpreted language that is similar, superficially, to C++, but different in many important ways. Java was originally intended to be an extension of the C compiler but has been completely rebuilt from the ground up to be a smaller, portable, purely object-oriented language that eliminates many of the sources of bugs and complexities common in C++.
Java Tutorial